Communication with Concern

By | Change, Communication, Gender communication

As the demographics change in this country, so do restaurant staff and the people they serve. You need to know how to communicate with a diverse staff and train them to serve a diverse clientele. If not, you can lose some good employees and miss opportunities to increase business. Employees who are comfortable in their work environment do a better…

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Dialogue as a Communication Tool

By | Change, Communication, Gender communication

by Kate Berardo and Simma Lieberman “Consider any complex, potentially volatile issue – Arab relations, the problems between Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians, corporate decision making, getting control of the U.S. deficit or health care costs, labor/management relations and so on. At the root of the issue we are likely to find communication failures and cultural misunderstandings that prevent the parties…

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Simma & Kate's Strategies for Cross-Generational Relationship Building

By | Change, Communication, Diversity, Gender communication

By Simma Lieberman and Kate Berardo. Here we highlight what we think are the best ways to push past generational barriers and build strong intergenerational relationships. We’ve divided the strategies into mindset tips (how to approach cross-generational differences) and practical tips (the small things you can do during a conversation to improve your communication). Mindset Strategies Approach with Interest. Approach…

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Communicating Across Generations

By | Diversity

Issues of race, gender, culture, and sexual orientation have dominated the diversity arena for some time, leaving lurking in the darkness a difference that causes daily miscommunication and prevents untold numbers of relationships from being built: generational differences. The unsung hero of difficulty, communication across generations is often fraught with assumptions, frustrations, and misunderstanding. Why Generational Differences Matter The environment…

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Understanding Diversity Dialogues: A Q&A on the benefits of dialogue

By | Change, Communication, Diversity, Gender communication

By Simma Lieberman and Kate Berardo. What does dialogue do? Dialogue brings people together who would not naturally sit down together and talk about important issues. It is a process to successfully relate to people who are different from you. Their differences can include gender, religion, work departments, cultures, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, or age. Does dialogue solve problems? Dialoging…

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Outlining Diversity Competencies for Managers

By | Diversity

by Simma Lieberman and Kate Berardo Simma Lieberman Associates The New Year also is a good time to do a progress check on your Diversity Initiative and to set-up your goals for developing higher levels of diversity competence. We have provided the following checklist below to monitor your diversity progress and help you create a plan of action for 2004….

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Interviewing Employees Who Stay

By | Diversity

Too many people who own or run restaurants do not know enough about conducting interviewing potential employees. Whether you define your restaurant as fast food, casual dining, or upscale, hiring the wrong person for the job can be expensive.Ê Consider the costs of advertising for candidates, interviewing time, disrupted customer service, training, and severance pay. Select a position in your…

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