Children Across All Races Need African-American History

By | across generations, bigotry, civil rights, conversations on race, cultural diversity, Cultural Intelligence, cultural sensitivity, Diversity, diversity and inclusion leader, diversity intelligence, inclusive leadership, Inequality, insomnia, leadership

Should children in public schools be “spared” the knowledge of the history of segregation, slavery, and the fact that Rosa Parks was Black? Listen to my conversation about this with Chad Lassiter Hear what Chad Lassiter has to say on my recent podcast guest on “Everyday Conversations on Race for Everyday People,” Chad is the Executive Director of the…

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A Conversation on Race in the Military, Haven for Harmony or Haven for White Supremacists

By | bias, conversations on race, Diversity, Diversity and inclusioin, race relations, racism, Uncategorized

Is there an increase in the number of  White Supremacists in the military? Is there an atmosphere  of harmony across race or is it a haven for racist behavior? Should we be concerned? Or, is the military doing more to root them out, expose and persecute white supremacists and haters based on race? In my first self-produced podcast, “Every Day…

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