Are You Preparing for the Economic Upswing or is Your Customer Service in Recession?

By | customer service, diversity and inclusion, Kimpton hotel

Are You Preparing for the Economic Upswing or is Your Customer Service in Recession? While some shortsighted organizations have cut back on customer service there are others who continue to create the kind of extraordinary experiences for their customers that ensures repeat business. One of those organizations that is a leader in personal customer care is the Kimpton Hotels and…

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Is it Racist to Talk About Race? Is Glenn Beck Really Out of His Mind?

By | barack obama, Chanukah holiday diversity, diversity dialogues, Glenn Beck, Henry Louis Gates, Officer Crowley, race relations

Is it Racist to Talk About Race? Is Glenn Beck Really Out of His Mind? Well, Glenn Beck on Fox News seems to think it is. He says that Obama is a “racist.” I don’t think Obama should have commented on the Gates arrest until he had all the information. That was a mistake. Does that make him a “racist?”…

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How Do We Tell the Employees About The Inclusion/Culture Change Initative

By | corporate culture, cultural diversity, diversity and inclusion

Some employers seem to think that just because they decide to create a more inclusive culture, employee behavior will change overnight. When there is no great immediate change, they complain that their inclusion/culture change initiative is a waste of time and money. So they hire someone who is either Black, Latino, Asian, Female, LGBT or a mixture of those categories…

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Speaking the International Language of Nintendo

By | cultural diversity, diversity and inclusion, generation differences

I recently returned from a three-week vacation with my 15-year-old son. We went to London, Cannes, Italy and New York. As “The Inclusionist,” I keep my eyes and ears open for inclusion opportunities and challenges. I loved traveling with my son, but I was also aware of some of our generation differences, and how those differences impacted our activities. I…

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Diversity Means Having Multiple Identities

By | Diversity, diversity and inclusion, identity politics, leadership

Two examples of ignoracacy thinking: When some people “act” threatened almost any time someone they disagree with addresses their own identity or even mentions being “Jewish, African-American, Hispanic, gay, etc.. or talks about how their experience has influenced their perceptions. Ex. Limbaugh calling Sotomayer a racist and a bigot. It’s gotten ridiculous. And calling the organization “La Raza,” an Hispanic…

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Success of Simma's Generational Cross-Mentoring Program Featured in HRO

By | generation differences, Generation Y

Simma was interviewed for a recent Human Resources Online article, “Bridging the Generational Techno-Divide”. The author investigated the ongoing challenge that many companies have in building trustful, constructive relationships between employees across the generational spectrum. According to the article, companies large and small are struggling to overcome the wide gap in new technology skills that exists between older employees of…

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Simma encourages municipalities to do a better job at fighting hate crimes

By | Florida, hate crimes, legislation, Orlando Sentinel, quotes

The Orlando Sentinel recently quoted Simma in an editorial arguing that Florida and many other states aren’t doing enough to combat a rise in hate crimes. According to the piece, the number of hate groups in the United States (926) jumped 4 percent last year and is up over 50 percent in the last decade. In the quote, Simma made…

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Diversity Question: Are Liberal Women Less Attractive Than Conservative Women?

By | Diversity, diversity and inclusion

Conservative women are more attractive than liberal women who are angry and bad dressers. I couldn’t believe that this was a topic on a conservative radio show today. A caller to the show “Ask the Rabbi,” or something like that with Rabbi Lapin on KSFO made that observation. I’d never listened to the show but as I changing channels, I…

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