But it is a good beginning. There is still a danger in California that a ballot initiative could pass which would define marriage as only between a man and a woman. i don’t understand why people would spend all of their time on trying to pass a mean-spirited ballot. These are the people who are trying to destroy the family and the institution of marriage. They are so busy wasting time on this, that they have no time for their own spouses or families.
I have heard more people talking about their support for gay marriage than ever before. I know people who are religious, and conservative, but they believe in civil rights for everyone.
I heard an interview the other day, where a man coming home from work was asked if “gay marriage” was an issue for him. He replied, “I can’t afford health insurance, gas is over four dollars, and they are laying people off at work, That is what is most important to me. I don’t care if people want to marry someone of the same sex. Let everyone live their own lives.”
In fact, gay marriage is helpful to our economy in the our area. People are planning weddings, spending money here, staying in hotels, buying food and bringing their guests here. I have talked to a lot of happy event planners, people in the tourist industry. caterers, and hotel owners. Their volume is up and rising.
I’ve been invited to several weddings in the next few months, gay and heterosexual. I love weddings especially when the food is good.
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