How to Overcome Job Interview Biases

By | best place to work inclusion, bias, biases and assumptions, Chanukah holiday diversity, Diversity, diversity and inclusion, interviewing, job interview

Interview Bias Your job interview is tomorrow. You know your appearance will matter, so you polish your shoes and brush your hair. You realize your interviewer will have your resume in hand, so you’ve come prepared to explain every minute detail included on it. You’ve even done practice interviews and prepared your responses to all the trick questions. Are you…

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Celebrating Love, Diversity and Inclusion in the USA,

By | Chanukah holiday diversity, diversity and inclusion, interfaith, New York mosque, Terry Jones

We came together yesterday, in a circle of several hundred Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, (even atheists.) talking, reading, singing, praying and sharing thoughts against bigotry, hatred and book-burning. We said “Yes,” to love, diversity and inclusion in the US, and “No,” to hate, bigotry, and intolerance. There were rabbis, ministers, imams and other religious leaders with us. It was especially…

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Is Diversity and Inclusion for Real at Target? (or do they just want our $$$)

By | diversity and inclusion, equality, Gregg Steinhafel, LGBT marriage, Target

The CEO of Target, Gregg Steinhafel donates $150,000 to a group called MN Forward, a group running ads for gubernatorial candidate, Tom Emmer. Emmer voted against domestic partnerships for state workers and supports a Christian punk rock band with a violent anti-gay message. LGBT employees and their allies, along with consumers protest the donation. Information is made public that Steinhafel…

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In Praise of Shirley Sherrod, George Wallace and Malcolm X

By | cultural diversity, diversity and inclusion, Malcolm X, racism, Robert Byrd, Shirley Sharrod

Shirley Sherrod an official with the USDA, recently lost her job because she told an audience at a local NAACP chapter meeting that she had not given a white farmer “the full force of what I could do” to help him save the family farm. She then went on to say that she knew it was a mistake to differentiate…

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Diversity and Inclusion; don't forget self-care

By | diversity and inclusion, life balance, meditation, spirituality, stress management

Sometimes in order to be inclusive, you have to include self-care. I’ve been under a lot of stress lately. I’m a single mother, raising my teenage son alone, for the last seven years. He has had a sleep disorder called Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder. His internal clock is opposite most everyone else. He’s under the care of a sleep specialist,…

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How to Create a Heavenly Work Environment

By | Business leadership, customer service, Diversity, diversity and inclusion, hospitality, Innovation, Starwood Hotels, Westin Hotels

Starwood Hotels are Heavenly for Guests and Employees Does your workplace culture inspire employees to do their best work? Even though we are still in tough economic times do you still provide resources for your employees to develop relationships with customers so they are inspired to return? Do your customers and employees champion your products and services? Nancy London, the…

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