Let’s Move Beyond Fear Together

By | dialogue, Diversity and inclusioin, diversity and inclusion. biases, Fear of difference, race and gender, race relations, racism, Uncategorized

Fear of differences, ignorance about other perspectives and fear of perceived change is wrecking havoc and contributing to strong racial divides in the US and other parts of the world.  Some  people are vocal and proud of being racist. They worry that white people will be in the minority and will take any action to they think will prevent that…

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Take Racism and Discrimination Off the Menu

By | Uncategorized

As the population of the United States continues to become more diverse so do the people who eat in its restaurants. In the past year (and in years before)  we have seen restaurants and businesses involved in the industry hit with lawsuits, and charges of racism and  discrimination from customers and employees, with police being called on people of color…

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