Be Seen In Your Organization

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I was recently asked what people can do to stay visible in their organization during financial insecurity and economic downturns. I am a consultant, speaker and author specializing in culture change and inclusion. Visibility is a common issue amongst many of my coaching clients who want to move up in the organization. With the economic downturn and so many new…

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Ralph Nader claims Obama talking "too white"

By | barack obama, Diversity, diversity and inclusion, racism

I am a consultant specializing in diversity and inclusion. I have also facilitated dialogues on race for over 20 years. I do not use the word racist lightly, but I think that Ralph Nader’s statement that Obama talks “too white,” was extremely racist and patronizing. I know that was not his intention but intention does not always equal impact. African-American…

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Recruiting the Best and Brightest

By | best and brightest, diversity recruiting, recruiting

I’m always asked what organizations can do to recruit “The Best and Brightest” I have found ten steps that help ensure success. Here are three of them• Identify your and your organizations’ core values, in order to target the right people.• Develop and implement a strategy to market your organization as the employer of choice in all your collateral material;…

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Why Gay Marriage is Important

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I didn’t understand all the rights of marriage until my partner of 18 years, died suddenly and I became the single mother of our eight year old son. Legally, we had no say in what happened to her after death. and even had to get permission from her family to say goodby to her before she was cremated. Although her…

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Dear Senator Clinton,

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Dear Senator Clinton,Several months ago I was very impressed when I heard you say that when elected, even before you took office you were going to go around the world and tell leaders of other nations that the “era of cowboy diplomacy is over”. When I heard you say those words, I said to myself, “at last we have a…

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