Stop Stress From Bankrupting Your Life!

By | diversity and inclusion, economic stress, life balance, productivity, relaxation, self-care, stress in the workplace, stress management

Stop Stress Related Bankruptcy 300 Billion Dollars a Year! According to the American Psychological Association that is what stress is costing businesses in the USA Be it loss of productivity, absenteeism, turnover or increased medical costs, stress is clearly expensive to organizations. What’s more, stress is costly to individuals. This same study by the APA shows that 80% of Americans…

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Laughing at the Generations- age old stereotypes

By | generation differences, Simma Lieberman, workforce diversity

On Friday I facilitated a program entitled, “Generations and Beyond,” for Out and Equal, which explored the intersections of generations, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity. During my presentation I talked about the fact that a lot of what we hear about each generation are stereotypes and that there are people in their 70’s who are techies and that there are…

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Neglected to vote, but wants to govern

By | Uncategorized

Meg Whitman wants to run for governor, and fix CA but she has neglected to vote many time according to Channel 2 News.I don’t understand how someone who has chosen not to participate in the electoral process wants to run the state. Perhaps we wouldn’t be in such a mess if more people had chosen to get involved instead. She…

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Being Inclusive Builds Business- a tale of two restaurants

By | customer service, Diversity, diversity and inclusion, hospitality, stress management

Two new restaurants opened in my neighborhood a few months ago. Both are on corners that have housed several failed restaurants. Time again, we saw new restaurants open only to close within the first year.One of the new restaurants is always busy, no matter when I walk by. The other restaurant very rarely has anyone in it.Why is one doing…

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Is it time to celebrate the end of racism?

By | Uncategorized

Is it time to celebrate the end of racism? That’s what so many people are proclaiming on television and radio. I’m glad Obama was elected It definitely reflects a change in this country and the willingness of voters to vote for the person they think is the most qualified. Many African American voters grew up sitting in the back of…

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