Technology + Workaholism = No Life

By | life balance, life work balance, stress management

Technology + Workaholism = No Life A journalist called me today to ask whether technology helped or hindered life/work balance. She said that she had spoken to several people who told her that “smart phones,”  “Skype,” smaller laptops etc. just furthered their workaholic behavior, and that they had even less of a personal life because they were always connected. Is…

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The Workplace as Community/ real inclusion

By | inclusive culture, leadership, life work balance

Why are there still employers who treat their employees like  disposable napkins? Organizations that are successful now and will be successful in the future will create “the workplace as community.”   Most people have a need to feel part of something that is more than just themselves. When workplace cultures are inclusive and employees at every level think their work…

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Treating Your Employees Like Honored Guests = Outstanding Customer Service = Business Success

By | Uncategorized

Treating Your Employees Like Honored Guests = Outstanding Customer Service = Business Success   Chip Conley, founder and CEO of Joie de Vivre, the largest group of boutique hotels in California, believes in treating his employees like honored guests. He knows that in turn they’ll provide the kind of extraordinary customer service that will guarantee return business, and recommendations to…

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What Oracle and Sun Microsystems Need to Do to Prevent Buy-out Stress

By | Uncategorized

As an organizational development consultant, I have worked with several organizations that have either merged, or where one has bought the other. Based on best practices and mistakes I’ve experienced with clients I offerseven ways for Oracle and Sun Microsystems to reduce stress amongst their employees. Some of them may already be in process.1- Recognize that no matter how great…

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Are You Creating an Environment for Success?

By | diversity and inclusion, executive coaching, inclusive culture, leadership

One of my executive coaching clients told me she thought she intimidated her employees. They didn’t ask many questions and were somewhat reluctant to tell her about their mistakes or failures. She hadn’t heard any new ideas in months even though she had installed an anonymous suggestion box. As I continued to delve deeper into the situation, I found out…

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The Myths and Realities of Four Generations in the Workplace

By | cross-generation communication, diversity and inclusion, diversity dialogues, generation differences

I’ve been designing a new workshop on “The Myths and Realities of Four Generations in the Workplace.” I’ve observed a tendency in some organizations, and by some authors on generation differences, to categorize and stereotype people based on the years they were born. I’ve come to realize that while each generation has been impacted by events and experiences as they…

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