Leading Today's Workforce; from Bogota

By | Diversity, diversity and inclusion, diversity consulting

I’m in Bogota, Colombia, getting ready to speak at the HTM Summit for America Empresarial on Leading Today’s New Workforce. I’m going to talk about employee inclusion, engagement, and participation. While each employee is an individual, if you understand the strategy and process to enlist employees in the mission of the organization, you can help almost any employee do their…

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Appreciating Diversity During the Holidays: It's about more than just a simple "Happy Holidays" greeting card.

By | diversity and inclusion, diversity consulting, diversity during the holidays, life work balance

Appreciating Diversity During the Holidays: It’s about more than just a simple “Happy Holidays” greeting card. by Simma Lieberman Guess who’s not celebrating Christmas this year? Millions of people in the US. That’s right. Tens of millions of Americans don’t celebrate Christmas religiously, either as followers of non-Christian religions (Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews) or as individuals with no religious affiliation….

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Manage Stress and Leverage Diversity This Holiday Season

By | diversity and inclusion, diversity during the holidays, employee stress, executive stress, holiday stress, managing stress

Four Ways to Optimize Business Results This Quarter It’s no secret that the year-end holidays bring additional pressures on executives and employees, especially during challenging economic times. You can avoid these productivity-drainers by providing yourself and your employees with proven techniques to reduce stress levels. If having clear-headed executives, engaged employees, and delighted customers during the holidays appeals to you,…

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Eradicate the Diseases of Bullying and Homophobia Now! Speak Up and Speak Out!

By | bullying, Diversity, homophobia, LGBT youth, teen suicides

Eradicate the Diseases of Bullying and Homophobia Now! Speak Up and Speak Out! I would be remiss as “The Inclusionist,” as a diversity and inclusion consultant, as a speaker on life/work balance and stress, and as the mother of a 16-year boy if I didn’t address the issue of the recent suicides of LGBT youth. Bullying and homophobia are diseases…

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How to Overcome Job Interview Biases

By | best place to work inclusion, bias, biases and assumptions, Chanukah holiday diversity, Diversity, diversity and inclusion, interviewing, job interview

Interview Bias Your job interview is tomorrow. You know your appearance will matter, so you polish your shoes and brush your hair. You realize your interviewer will have your resume in hand, so you’ve come prepared to explain every minute detail included on it. You’ve even done practice interviews and prepared your responses to all the trick questions. Are you…

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Celebrating Love, Diversity and Inclusion in the USA,

By | Chanukah holiday diversity, diversity and inclusion, interfaith, New York mosque, Terry Jones

We came together yesterday, in a circle of several hundred Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, (even atheists.) talking, reading, singing, praying and sharing thoughts against bigotry, hatred and book-burning. We said “Yes,” to love, diversity and inclusion in the US, and “No,” to hate, bigotry, and intolerance. There were rabbis, ministers, imams and other religious leaders with us. It was especially…

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Prescription for Dr. Laura- Racism and Manners 101

By | cultural diversity, Diversity, Dr. Laura Schlesinger, interracial relationships, racism

Having seen the clip of “Dr” Laura where she couldn’t stop herself from using the “N’ word, I’m more disgusted with her than ever. She makes me sick with her ranting. It was more than her repeating the “N” word it was that she told this woman that she shouldn’t be so sensitive when her husband’s family used it, and…

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Is Diversity and Inclusion for Real at Target? (or do they just want our $$$)

By | diversity and inclusion, equality, Gregg Steinhafel, LGBT marriage, Target

The CEO of Target, Gregg Steinhafel donates $150,000 to a group called MN Forward, a group running ads for gubernatorial candidate, Tom Emmer. Emmer voted against domestic partnerships for state workers and supports a Christian punk rock band with a violent anti-gay message. LGBT employees and their allies, along with consumers protest the donation. Information is made public that Steinhafel…

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