
Hank Williams Jr.- Most Recent Trivialization of the Holocaust

By October 11, 2011 No Comments

Is it just I didn’t know ignorance, or just plain I don’t care insensitivity? As the Inclusionist- two people who represent the “I don’t care how insensitive, stupid and vicious we can be- we’re saying it any way.” school of thought particularly offended me. And oh yeah, we believe in America, land of the free (well maybe for a few people) From CNN headlines; Hank Williams Jr. apologizes for Hitler-Obama comparison Then Glenn Beck says the Wall Street demonstrations will lead us to gas chambers and guillotines. Huh? This has nothing to do with agreement or disagreement of the demonstrations, but I hope any rational person can see how irrational this statement is. How many times do we have to tell people in the media and public office to stop using the Hitler-Nazi comparison for anyone they don’t like? Both of these Neanderthals need to try reading history, but that might be too difficult, and they probably only know the history they invent. Let’s be clear about Hitler and the Nazis- Hitler systematically killed 6 million Jews, plus Gypsies, Gay people and anyone who dared speak out People were tortured, burnt alive, shot for amusement, starved to death, forced to work, and then killed when they couldn’t work anymore. Babies had their heads bashed in while their parents were forced to watch Jewish people were subjected to ghoulish medical experiments too horrific to mention. There was systematic genocide of Jews, Gypsies and gay people. It wasn’t like “there was a war, and people died fighting, or because of a famine.” People like Glenn Beck and Hank Williams Jr. and others, that mimic their behavior, and try to manipulate people emotionally by calling up images of Hitler, and the Nazis, don’t get it. They are guilty of trivializing one of the worst crimes against humanity and against a specific group of people. These words, and actions are those of someone who read a coloring book, and think they’re an expert on totalitarianism and genocide. How dare you trivialize the suffering of millions of people by comparing Obama to Hitler? If you really believe that Obama is planning on wiping out groups of people, through gas chambers, torture, and starvation, you probably think that you are the victim of a worldwide conspiracy of talking snakes. In addition, when Williams was confronted he said, “my analogy was extreme but it was to make a point.” “I have always been very passionate about politics and sports and this time it got the best or worst of me. I’m passionate too. I’m passionate about leveraging diversity and inclusion, to build the kind of culture where everyone is included in continuing to make this country even greater, and everyone has the opportunity to excel, and use their talents and skills to prosper, and live the good life. However, my passion is from love. I don’t have the need to spew hate, and compare people I don’t agree with to mass murderers Finally a word to Glenn Beck-stop being so obsessed with conspiracy theories. No one is coming to get you. You’re worried about gas chambers and guillotines- Perhaps you need to prepare for the return of the tyrannosauruses