Are LGBTQ People of Color Invisible in the LGBTQ Community?

By | Diversity, Gay Pride, LGBTQ, LGBTQ entrepreneurs, Marriage Equality, racism

While LGBTQ people have more rights than they ever did, and same sex marriage is legal throughout the USA, there is still a longer road for LGBTQ people, particularly people of color. Ali Marrero-Calderon is a 70 year old Puerto Rican lesbian. Kevin Hawkins is a 25 year old African-American gay man. While they are from very different generations, they…

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in Honor of Gay Pride

By | Diversity, diversity and inclusion, Gay Pride, LGBT, sexual orientation, Transgender

In honor of Gay Pride-Please promise to never use the term “sexual preference.” It’s culturally ignorant and you sound like you know nothing. When someone who should know better uses it, it’s simply offensive. Please think about sexual orientation and gender identity. Being Transgender is not a sexual orientation.A person can be Transgender and be straight  or lesbian, bisexual or gay.This is…

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Beyond LGBTQ, Finding Commonalities In Our Multiple Identities

By | Diversity, diversity and inclusion, Gay Pride, GLBT, inclusion, LGBT, LGBTQ, multiple identities

Beyond LGBTQ, Finding Commonalities In Our Multiple Identities Every one of us has multiple identities. Those multiple identities influence our thoughts, perceptions and behaviors every day in our lives at work, and in our communities. Our multiple-identities are like panels that make us each separate but connected beautiful diversity quilts The late Dr. Roosevelt Thomas stated Diversity is any collective mixture…

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