Everyday Inclusive Leadership for Employees

Background and Purpose

Inclusive cultures are vital to an organization’s business success. Organizations that build cultures of inclusion can tap into the diverse talents, perspectives, and experiences of their employees, and enhance their performance, innovation, and reputation. However, creating an inclusive culture is a continuous process that requires commitment, investment, and action from all levels of the organization.

Senior Leadership Needs Inclusion Help

Senior leaders play a key role in setting the vision and strategy for building an inclusive culture and initiating the necessary changes and interventions. However, they cannot do it alone. Every employee, regardless of their position, role, or function, has a responsibility and an opportunity to practice inclusive leadership in their daily work. Whether they are leading a project, generating an idea, or collaborating with others, they need to know how to value and respect the diversity of their co-workers and clients, and how to communicate, collaborate, and support them effectively. Too often, employees at the lower levels are not equipped with the skills, mindset, and tools to put inclusion into practice.

Give Employees the Power to Build Inclusion and Succeed

Everyday Inclusive Leadership for Employees is designed to equip employees with the skills and behaviors of inclusion every day in all their interactions. It will help them to understand the benefits and challenges of diversity, the principles and practices of inclusion, and the ways to apply them in their work situations.

By learning and practicing everyday inclusion, employees will not only improve their own performance and well-being but also contribute to the overall inclusive culture of the organization.

Senior Leader and Employee Inclusion Alignment

Employees will also be more aligned with the vision and goals of senior leaders, and more ready to embrace the opportunities and changes that come with a diverse and dynamic world.

Program Description

Everyday Inclusive Leadership for Employees is an interactive 2 ½ hour program for up to 20 people per session. The program can be on-site or online.

Participants will fill out a brief survey prior to attending.


● Understand the benefits and challenges of diversity and inclusion

● Learn and apply principles of inclusion in their work situations

● Develop a higher level of empathy and engage in meaningful conversations across dimensions of diversity.


● Develop an inclusive mindset with actions participants can take immediately with co-workers

● Empower employees to participate in organizational DEI++ processes to build inclusion

● Increase cooperation, and resource sharing with other employees

● Practice inclusion in small project teams or departments that can result in stronger working relationships throughout the organization


To access different learning and participation styles, the program will include large group discussion, break-out rooms, and individual work.

Who Should Attend

This program is for employees, project leaders and supervisors who are not included in senior leadership. Everyday Inclusive Leadership Skills for Employees is designed to be part of and add value to the overall organizational strategy in DEIB+. It is meant to empower employees to buy in and participate in building a sustainable culture of inclusion. Participation must be voluntary. We’ve found that participants who like the class encourage more people to attend.