Diversity and Inclusion Zeroes; candidates that support exclusion-

As the inclusionist, and supporter of diversity, and learning,I was appalled, shocked and offended this week, by Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Santorum.

I was appalled, shocked, and offended as a Jewish person

I was appalled, shocked and offended as a member of the LGBTand ally community

I was appalled, shocked and offended as a sentient person of intelligence and sanity

First, as a Jewish person- Perry, Santorum, Gingrich, Romney and Bachmann spoke to a group of very conservative Jewish Republicans. Each one got up on the stage talking about how much they love Jewish people, and how much they love Israel. It was sickening- they love Jewish people so much, but they think we’ll burn in hell, if we don’t follow their religious beliefs.

To take this clown act even further, they all had the chutzpah (Michelle Bachmann misprounced it my saying Shurzpah) to demand the resignation of the US ambassador to Belgium, a Jewish man whose parents were holacaust survivors, because he mildly criticized Israel and talked about the need for peace with the Palestinians.

So now these so-called good people of the Christian faith, are the judges of which Jewish person is the good Jew. Who anointed them the deciders. They are not friends of Jewish people, not friends of inclusion, and are the antidiversity role models.

And who elected them as the spokespeople for Christianity? Are the millions of Christians who don’t agree with them considered heretics?

Where is the barf bag when I need one?

Next as a member of the LGBT, ally, and diversity and inclusion community, I’m appalled, shocked, and offended by Rick Perrys’ doofus ad where he says, why should gay people serve openly in the military when kids can’t be open about celebrating Xmas in schools. Huh? Even his pollster, Tony Fabrizio called it “nuts,”

These people in the military are risking their lives, fighting in Afghanistan, for a war that Perry believes in.

Let Rick Perry go and fight. Too late, he missed the crusades, and the inquisition.

And then he loves Jewish people so much, but wants public schools to celebrate Xmas? I guess he loves our votes, but not the fact that we don’t consider Christmas our holiday. We’re not against it, and I love all the Christmas parties, but it’s not what I want my son to learn in school, and I don’t want he to be forced to stand for prayers.

I offer ways to honor diversity and inclusion during the holidays here-


I believe in the American Dream, that we can value and all benefit from diversity in many different forms, and that it is through inclusion in our culture that people learn to excel and make us greater as a nation.

And as a footnote, Perry was wearing the same jacket as one of the guys in Broke Back mountain, and looked lilke he had just stepped out of the movie.

And finally, I was appalled, shocked and offended as a sentient person of intelligence and sanity, that none of them know history, geography, how many supreme court justices there are, the difference between Iran and Iraq, and that the GeorgeWashington, and Thomas Jefferson were dead years before the slaves were freed.

Now I’m not going to get into the fact that Michele Bachmann thinks that people who are in the country without documentation should not only lose their children but it was fine with her to have them all taken to jail, while their kids watching screamin and crying. Even Bill O’Reilly couldn’t believe it.

And although I disagree with Ron Paul, and Jim Huntsman, they are the most intelligent, and knowledgable of the Republican candidates, and for some reason, get the least amount of support.

Which is why I wonder if someone either put acid in my punch, transported me to the bizarre world, or I’m still asleep,and this is a dream.