In my last post, I had you  list the people who need to know you and the people you need to know. Ready for another step? Ready for a little…art project?

Get a large piece of paper and a few markers or crayons. It’s time for you to create a Brand Badge. You’re going to take your text-only vision and draw an actual picture to match. This will expand your thought process surrounding your goals and help you become more creative with your strategy.

1. Identify an area in which you want to be seen as the go-to person, such that when a need arises, your name is the first one that springs to mind. (Example: Expert in global marketing of new products, or expert in diversity and inclusion.)

2. Divide your paper into quadrants. In the upper left quadrant, draw a picture of what achieving that expert status would look like. Remember, no words – only pictures! – and be as colorful as you can.

3. In the upper right quadrant, draw a picture to represent the strengths will that support your becoming the “go-to” person in your area. (Caution: Stay away from generic words like “problem-solver” and “reliable.” These are not going to help you. Think in terms of business results and what you do to get them.)

4. In the lower left quadrant, draw a picture to represent the qualities or traits that make you a good leader.

5. In the lower right quadrant, draw a picture to represent the major accomplishments that will support your becoming the “go-to” expert in your field.
Post your brand badge where you can see it. Use it to remind yourself of your goals and help you stay focused.